Be Afraid Be Very Afraid


The world may have lost Wes Craven  but there is more than enough scary stuff on the horizon.  Feel free to expound on your favorite future terror where absolutely nothing will be done until it is too late.  And in the meantime, there is always the election campaign.

About Jamie

Retired Writer Editor - Loves Books, Musical Theater, politics for a good argument, genealogy, Scotland and owls
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69 Responses to Be Afraid Be Very Afraid

  1. Climate change aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Ben Carson and Truck are tied in Iowa


  2. patd says:

    “future terror where absolutely nothing will be done until it is too late”???
    I keep remembering how confident we know-it-alls were that some 2nd rate screen actor would never be elected president. nothing much surprises me now, terrorizes maybe, but doesn’t surprise


  3. patd says:

    Separately Cheney weighed in on whether his successor, Joe Biden, should run for the Democratic nomination. A smiling Cheney said: “I’d love to see Joe get in the race” and then laughs. When asked why, he responded, “Well go for it, Joe. He’s tried twice before. He obviously is interested. I think there’s a lot of support for him in the Democratic Party. I think it would stir things up. They’re short of candidates on their side. So I would urge Joe to have a shot at it.”

    still dicking around… considering the source and his track record for accurate prognostication, joe should think twice about his advice.


    • Jamie says:

      Not to mention that Cheney recommended actions always result in evil events. Somebody send the proof that only the good die young back to his crypt for continued moldering.


    • jacew2003 says:

      ” The insurgency is in it’s last throes”

      Sadly we cannot say the same for Mr. Cheney. He just keeps hanging on around the fringes of reality and abject stupidity.


  4. patd says:

    looking back on summer now that it’s august the last – here’s to the clowns in the bus:

    the faux rides they would take
    the moon flights they would make
    the truth they danced around so wrong
    the things they did this summer
    we’ll remember all winter long

    the midway and the fun
    the cupidity they spun
    our bell they rung to prove that they were strong
    the things they did this summer
    we’ll remember all winter long


  5. patd says:

    at first wondered why nick anderson used Obama instead of Hillary. then realized the depicted crowd rants would have been unprintable in a family newspaper.


  6. patd says:

    good for Bernie! and shame on andrea.

    Finally, Mitchell brought up Quinnipiac poll that tied Clinton to the word “liar,” asking, “What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of Hillary Clinton?”
    At this point, Sanders had clearly had it with this line of questioning.

    “I have known Hillary Clinton for 25 years. And I know her to be a very hardworking, intelligent person, somebody I worked with in the Senate,” he said. “So I am sorry, I am not going to get into the media game, Andrea, of attacking, making personal attacks, against Hillary Clinton. I just am not going to do that. I don’t think that’s what the American people want. I think we have got to focus on the real issues. Why is the middle class disappearing and almost all new income and wealth going to the top 1 percent? Why don’t we have a trade policy that works for the American worker and not the CEOs of large corporations? Why do we have a system where families cannot afford to send their kids to college?”

    “A lot of issues to talk about,” Sanders added. “You’ll forgive me but I’m not going to get into attacking Hillary Clinton personally.”

    Mitchell did not bring up her name again.


  7. rebelliousrenee says:

    I’m with KGC… climate change.

    I LOVE Bernie Sanders. I’ll probably vote for Hillary in the primary… but if wishes were unicorns, I’d wave my magic wand and Sanders would be the next president.


    • Jamie says:

      I love the issues Bernie Sanders is raising, but I think Hillary simply has the best set of skills for the Presidency in a global context. Bernie should keep pushing and Hillary should stomp some GOP rear end and aim for both houses of Congress as well as POTUS


  8. tonyb says:

    A Heckuva Job
    by Paul Krugman

    “There are many things we should remember about the events of late August and early September 2005, and the political fallout shouldn’t be near the top of the list. Still, the disaster in New Orleans did the Bush administration a great deal of damage — and conservatives have never stopped trying to take their revenge. Every time something has gone wrong on President Obama’s watch, critics have been quick to declare the event “Obama’s Katrina.” How many Katrinas has Mr. Obama had so far? By one count, 23.

    Somehow, however, these putative Katrinas never end up having the political impact of the lethal debacle that unfolded a decade ago. Partly that’s because many of the alleged disasters weren’t disasters after all. For example, the teething problems of were embarrassing, but they were eventually resolved — without anyone dying in the process — and at this point Obamacare looks like a huge success.”


  9. tonyb says:

    Political Move of Summer: Trump “Emasculating” Jeb!
    by Taylor Marsh
    ““Look, Jeb Bush was a very successful governor, he’s a thoughtful man, he was a good, conservative governor. But every day, Donald Trump is emasculating Jeb Bush, and Republican primary voters are not going to default to the establishment candidate who is being weakened by these attacks that go unresponded to.” – Steve Schmidt [Politico]
    THERE WAS no doubt what Donald Trump meant when he said that Jeb! was a “low energy person” but a “nice guy.” He was calling the former governor of Florida a wimp. It was an attempt to neuter the establishment’s favorite messenger, which Jeb Bush never really answered sufficiently, except to parrot Trump’s “anchor baby” epithet. Jeb’s reaction proved Trump’s point, which is that he’s just not got the persona for the presidency.

    No man lets an adversary question his manhood. “Emasculating” Jeb Bush was the political move of the summer, because it helped cast Donald Trump as the alpha candidate in the race, which sealed the summer of Trump.

    As September beckons, the establishment won’t allow the advantage Donald Trump has built up stand without rebuttal. The onslaught of ads will rain down on the Trump campaign, giving the candidate an indoctrination by Republican elites.

    The GOP establishment simply can’t concentrate on Hillary Clinton or any other Democrat right now, because of what Trump’s accomplished this summer.

    And now that Ben Carson is surging in Iowa, tying Donald Trump in one poll, will he target him the way he has Jeb?

    Ben Carson and Donald Trump are tied at the top of the Republican field in a new survey of likely Iowa caucus-goers with 23 percent each, according to the results of a Monmouth University poll released Monday. [Politico]
    If Republicans think Ben Carson can do what Donald Trump can’t they’re dreaming. But since Scott Walker has imploded they’ve got to do something.

    After Labor Day we will find out what kind of campaign organization Donald Trump has, because they’re going to be put to the test.”


  10. blueINdallas says:

    We should be afraid of journalists who have forgotten how to do their jobs properly (and newbies who may not know how).

    I ❤ Bernie!


    • tonyb says:

      I so totally agree.. I love Bernie too! Ah but for him to win it would have to be a perfect world.. The super delegates will have the final say. Remember those establishment delegates… You know the ones who chose Obama.. Think they will choose Bernie?


    • Flatus says:

      Sturg, I love Jimmy Carter. He is an American that we should all treasure.

      During his years as president I was behind the ‘Green Door’. Looking at him from that perspective, his good points were lost on me. I felt then, and still believe, that his knowledge of foreign relations and the role of our defense establishment in supporting our foreign policy, was sophomoric.

      Jimmy won. Once. I listened to Bernie. As attractive as he sounded, I’m going to resist following him unless I hear a heck of a lot more substance about the grit of foreign relations, etc.


  11. whskyjack says:

    The Trumpster is pulling a Willie Horton on poor John Ellis, The sins of the father being visited on the son or something like that.



  12. whskyjack says:

    Yeah but jimmy was a democrat.


  13. whskyjack says:

    Thoughts on Trump

    by Bruce Bartlett

    “This means it is very unlikely that the stop-Trump forces can coalesce around one candidate. The field will remain divided until the end, meaning that Trump needs no more support than he has now to win the nomination. As I have said repeatedly, the key to understanding Trump is not the ceiling on his support, but the floor, which appears higher than the ceiling of all the other candidates

    I am not yet ready to predict that Trump will be the GOP nominee, but I am disinclined to bet against him. I honestly don’t see how any of his current opponents can beat him. I think his odds of winning the nomination are better than even. Whether he can win the general election is another question that I will discuss at a later date.”


  14. patd says:

    tony, further news on the ky clerk case from
    “Justice Elena Kagan, who oversees the 6th circuit, referred Davis’ request to the full court, which denied the stay without comment. Kagan joined the majority in June when the court legalized gay marriage across the nation.”

    as to what lies ahead for her according to same article:
    “In a separate development, the Kentucky attorney general is mulling whether to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate whether she violated the state official misconduct statute when her office refused to issue a license to a Rowan County gay couple.
    Official misconduct is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 365 days in jail.
    A public servant is guilty of it when, “with intent to deprive another person of a benefit,” he or she refrains “from performing a duty imposed upon by law or clearly inherent in the nature” of his office or “violates any statute or lawfully adopted rule or regulation” relating to it.”


    • tonyb says:

      Thanks. The clerk should either do her job or be impeached.. Since can’t be fired and the Republicans in the Kentucky State House will not impeach her, yes, she will have to do jail time in hopes that it will deter some other religous loon from discriminating in the future..


  15. Jamie says:

    The “you are old really old” College entrants list for 2015 is out today


  16. patd says:

    so if we must be inundated with cli-minal (media speak for clinton’s criminal) e-mail stories, please let them be more like this one:


  17. patd says:

    little things can be comforting in these crazy candidate times. like the following phrase in today’s story:
    “Former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who was a front-runner in the presidential polls at this point four years ago,….”

    forget the rest of the article about ms. gnarly clawing her way to the big guys debate… just dwell on how soon the nutball novae fade from sight.


  18. Pogo says:

    Sorry to be MIA for so long. Between taking a vacation, gettin LP ready for and off to college , busy as hell at work and Mrs. P’s dad dying, the plate’s bee a bit too full to spend time on the internets at blogs. But I need a break from too much work, so I’m back for a while. I have a question, has Andrea Mitchell always been so breathlessly trying to slime Hilary? God, I can’t even listen to it any more. OK, now here’s my other question. If they change the speed limit to 50 MPH, am I guilty of breaking it the last 35 years?


    • Flatus says:

      My condolences to your family, Pogo.


    • Flatus says:

      Mitchell’s husband is an 89 y.o. Republican named Greenspan. And, now that Andrea is right at 70 she probably sees little reason not too give him some comfort and satisfaction after all the heat he took after his part in the lead-up to the 2008 economic crisis. Who’s a better target than Hillary?


    • Jamie says:

      The added benefit for Andrea who still hasn’t mastered reading a teleprompter is that MSNBC is hiring the least expensive and/or most ego driven to host shows.


  19. patd says:

    pogo, my sympathies too.

    here are samples that may answer your “has Andrea Mitchell always been so breathlessly trying to slime Hilary?”

    last year
    “Andrea Mitchell Says Hillary Clinton Is ‘Out Of Touch,’ Lacks ‘Self-Awareness'”
    and from wonkette:”What is terrible about Andrea Mitchell’s tweet, and this is her fault, is what it says about her and her entire insidious industry of supposed Very Serious Journalists who can’t let go of The Blowjob. From the last century. They are addicted, and all it takes is the tiniest whiff of the good stuff, or even just the off-brand clearance sale stuff, for them to fall off the wagon.” at

    this spring
    “Hillary Clinton’s rope-line antagonist”


  20. patd says:
    Howard Dean endorses Hillary Clinton — again
    Dean said Clinton is “the best hope for Americans who are counting on strong and experienced leadership to deal with the economic injustice, educational crises, and foreign instability, which have plagued our country in the early part of the 21st century.”


  21. rebelliousrenee says:

    my condolences on your father in law. Take good care of Mrs. P.

    Mitchell and Matthews and MoJo… oh my… (repeat)


  22. tonyb says:

    Jeb’s bizarre new attack: Slamming Trump for being friends with (Bush family friends) the Clintons
    If being friends with the Clintons disqualifies Trump from the GOP nomination, why doesn’t it disqualify Jeb also? VIDEO


  23. tonyb says:

    A MODEL FIRST LADY09.01.151:01 AM ET
    The Immigrant Who Sleeps Next to Trump
    Will the Donald’s anti-immigration supporters cotton to his glamorous, Slovenian-born wife Melania?
    Patricia Murphy


  24. blueINdallas says:

    Help! Hillary’s email with regard to “Gifiltifish-gate” has me confused. The email refers, specifically, to carp. Carp are bottom-feeders and, therefore, not kosher. Were the containers of fish code for something else? It doesn’t seem so.


  25. blueINdallas says:

    So, some carp aren’t bottom-feeders? Hmm. (There are almost as many fish on that list as Repug candidates.)


  26. patd says:

    this just supprts my suspicion that the lady at issue must be on the payroll of the goper pacs. someone is assuring her of costly legal counsel.
    Polling shows that Matt Bevin is in a tight race with Democratic nominee Jack Conway, who also is Kentucky’s attorney general, and Bevins said during a conference call that he thinks that the rights of county clerks, including Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis, who disagree with the Supreme Court’s June gay-marriage decision are being violated.

    “I absolutely support her willingness to stand on her First Amendment rights,” he said of Davis. “Without any question, I support her.”

    Conway refused to appeal the initial federal ruling against the state’s same-sex marriage ban last year. Conway campaign spokesman Daniel Kemp said the Supreme Court has spoken on the issue of same-sex marriage and that Conway “believes it’s time to move forward because the good-paying jobs are going to states with policies of inclusivity.”


  27. patd says:
    The Kentucky county clerk facing potentially stiff penalties for refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses has been married four times, raising questions of hypocrisy and selective application of the Bible to her life.
    The marriages are documented in court records obtained by U.S. News, which show that Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis divorced three times, first in 1994, then 2006 and again in 2008.
    She gave birth to twins five months after divorcing her first husband. They were fathered by her third husband but adopted by her second. Davis worked at the clerk’s office at the time of each divorce and has since remarried.


    • Jamie says:

      The Christian couple who said they wouldn’t make pizza for a gay wedding collected a million dollars on their go fund me site despite the fact that no one had ordered a pizza. Maybe she is setting up a college fund for the twins.


    • Pogo says:

      The clerk and her lawyer are full of crap. The “accomodation” she is seeking is nothing I’ve ever heard of, and their proposed remedy for gay folks who want licenses in her county – driving to another county – is BS. Accomodation is s a concept that exists in certain statutory schemes to address gender, handicaps and othr factors that serve as bases for discrimination. She is a public servant, on the public payroll, who as part of her ministerial duties issues marriage licenses. The appropriate remedy is have someine else in her office issue the licenses, and to the extent her pay is based upon license fees, reduce her pay. The First Amendment guarantees her the right to free exercise of her religion and to free speech. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection to gay folks who want to marry. Equal. The idiot clerk’s 1st amendment rights do not allow her to deprive those gay people their constitutional rights, period. If she’s not willing to serve the public she has rather than the public her church wishes she has her optionis to get another job. She is a laughingstock, and her lawyer’s an idiot. If it weren’t Ketucky, she might be recalled by the voters in her county. Instead, the USDOJ amd federal courts will likely have to get involved. What a stupid waste of taxpayer money.


  28. patd says:

    speaking of hate mongers multi-marriages, wasn’t rash slimeball married 4 times yet warned his minions that allowing same sex marriage (ruling/laws/regs) would lead to legalizing polygamy (or incest or something like that)?


  29. Pogo says:

    Thanks all for the kind words. Mrs. P’s father has had 3 bouts of throat cancer over the last 10 years. It’s a small miracle he survived this long – twice his expectancy after the first bout and it’s a blessing that he passed this time. His quality of life has been virtually zero for the past 2-3 years – a man whose 3 joys in life were to talk, eat and listen to music had 2 of them taken away, plus his hearing was pretty bad. He’s fnially at peace and the family is in a better place as well.


  30. Pogo says:

    Ok, this part of my previous post went unresponded to.

    OK, now here’s my other question. If they change the speed limit to 50 MPH, am I guilty of breaking it the last 35 years?

    What do you think?


    • patd says:

      fascinating rabbit hole you have posed there, pogo. could this query have anything to do with a certain candidate’s past e-mails which are now classified but weren’t back when she sent them? or could this same query apply to hemp and its many variations/uses some of which are criminal acts now but weren’t back then? or are we perhaps thinking existentially, spiritually and morally here… pondering those pin dancing angels?


      • Pogo says:

        Well, you may be. I was talking metaphorically about emails. While we ain’t talking speeding tickets here, the principle of an ex post facto violation of is unusual, although new legal standards that arise in the context of cases almost always apply to conduct that occurred before teh legal standard was announced. (I won a case with several hundred thousand dollars at stake where in a 2011 case a 2006 case was applied to 1998 conduct that prior to the 2006 case was considered proper. (In a sense – and this was argued by the losing party – what he did in 1998 was legal, so because the legal standard changed later the contract the family, then the circuit court invalidated should have been upheld. The Supreme Court disagreed,) Most gratifying is that the opposing attorney who I’ve known since law school guaranteed that his client would win if he had to take it to the state supreme court, He took it to the Supreme Court and he lost.


    • Jamie says:

      The Doctor with the police box hasn’t dropped by recently. Should he appear, I will of course go back and see that you are properly ticketed, fined and shamed for previous nefarious actions.


  31. patd says:
    What’s the point of saving a native creature from extinction if we can’t start shooting the darn
    things again?
    That’s the unspoken philosophy of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which after two decades of protecting the black bear has decided the time has come to open fire.

    carl hiaasen’s point above same as mine when the idiots in ky (sorry for the redundancy) allowed hunting of sandhill cranes. see this report from last year

    our new amureekin motto: if it moves, shoot it. hell, shoot it if it doesn’t.


  32. patd says:

    The billboard is 10 feet high and 20 feet wide. It is attached to a building Mosnes owns just south of the US 50 bridge over the Colorado River.


  33. Jamie says:

    Speaking of fear inducing notices: Congress returns next week.


    • patd says:

      and one of their hot air balloons has just exploded. oh the humanity!
      On Wednesday, Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) announced that she would support the agreement, becoming the 34th member of the Senate to do so. In offering her backing, Mikulski, who is retiring in 2016, assured that President Barack Obama will dodge a Republican-led effort to kill the deal. Although a resolution of disapproval may still pass the chamber, the White House now has the necessary support to sustain a presidential veto of said resolution.
      “No deal is perfect, especially one negotiated with the Iranian regime. I have concluded that this Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action is the best option available to block Iran from having a nuclear bomb,” said the Senator in a statement. “For these reasons, I will vote in favor of this deal. However, Congress must also reaffirm our commitment to the safety and security of Israel.”

      okay mitch, what now?


  34. patd says:

    pogo, nice succinct rundown by nyt

    What’s Next for Kentucky Clerk Who Refuses to Issue Same-Sex Marriage Licenses

    and new republic’s senior editor in
    “Throw Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis in Jail
    She must be punished severely for denying marriage licenses to gay couples”


    • Pogo says:

      Thanks for the NYT link. Stays are interesting things – they are looked at in the same light in many instances as injunctions (which they are in a sense). To issue one in the context of litigation, the court addressing the request must feel that the party requesting the stay has a good chance to win. SCOTUS denied the request for stay. You may feel free to read between the lines.


  35. patd says:
    “The all-out war between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump is reaching bizarre new heights”

    heights? more like new lows


  36. Jamie says:

    Just came across this little factoid. Want smarter children? Scare them. A new study found that babies learn more about an object or environment when they are surprised by it, rather than able to predict it.


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