Another Date Another Debate

hillary Bernie

Time to do it again.  Tonight on CNN at 6:00 PM Pacific Time.  Please feel free to comment about anything said, but try to stick to the issues not the people arguing them.


About Jamie

Retired Writer Editor - Loves Books, Musical Theater, politics for a good argument, genealogy, Scotland and owls
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63 Responses to Another Date Another Debate

  1. rebelliousrenee says:

    I hope everyone who watches enjoys the debate. I’m watching a basketball game tonight. Too many debates for me and life is short.


  2. Tony says:

    Renee, I agree, getting over them now.. I’m going to watch “War and Peace” the new BBC drama..


    • Jamie says:

      I’ve got it set up to binge watch when I get a chance. A Place To Call Home on Acorn comes up first for multiple episodes at one sitting.


  3. Tony says:

    Why Bernie’s on shaky ground: White men are leading him to victory as he remains a tough sell with other voters
    Sanders surprising victory in Michigan still sticks to the same pattern: He’s winning white men as others stay away
    “Amanda Marcotte’


    • Jamie says:

      Shaking your finger in a woman’s face is a good way to lose the finger. His relationship with African Americans is pretty sketchy as well. He’s locked into old societal roles and seems to have trouble at least investigating a new viewpoint for adjustment.


  4. the ghetto comment was so not cool


  5. Jamie says:

    Oh good they have podiums that aren’t on top of each other.


  6. Jamie says:

    The kid singing is the one the GOP wingers had a cow over because he’s Hispanic several months ago and wears traditional Mexican dress.


  7. right, to avoid the finger in the eye. don’t know honestly how she can control herself- would love to be a fly on the wall and hear what she says to bill about the fingers.


  8. oh my god. he is delusional


  9. tonyb39 says:

    Hillary looks great, got her voice back, amazing..


  10. hillary does look great, glad she didn’t make any serious fashion statements . fail? 8 tenths of a point? or the 82 % win. i just can’t believe they are doing it to her again!


  11. Jamie says:

    She is controlling her voice better. One of the hardest things she has had to learn is that the microphone is your friend .. use it. 🙂


  12. here goes another story hour for the kids…


  13. tonyb39 says:

    Oh Bernie looks pained.. Just an angry white guy..


  14. tonyb39 says:

    Lol, Kathleen so true.., another fantasy..


  15. good point jamie. i guess it is a matter of a need to look around while speaking?


  16. tonyb39 says:

    Oh, Hillary, emails.. Please, so silly


  17. she has explained this so many times. it would be for me if i were a journalist, to ask a question like this. go hillary go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  18. Jamie says:

    Take that Jorge!!! 😀


  19. tonyb39 says:

    Go Hillary, not answering the email bullshit..


  20. tonyb39 says:

    Hillary beautiful laughed, perfect


  21. tonyb39 says:

    Hillary is great on immigration reform.


  22. Jamie says:

    They are really pointing out how a realistic reformation of immigration is necessary.


  23. Jamie says:

    Here we go with the finger pointing at Hillary with “SHE SAID” … arghhhh


  24. love her cool reply . watch out now.


  25. thanks jamie, have been lurking, posted a song a while back.. love your posts.


  26. Jamie says:

    Grumpy McGrandpa is grouchy again.


  27. i don’t know, will have to think on that i guess, can only have so many aliases without confusing myself and how to sign in. he interrupted.


  28. tonyb39 says:

    Hillary continues to shine


  29. i don’t believe he asked bernie the question.


  30. tonyb39 says:

    Oh Bernie is so cranky, angry.. Give it up Bernie


  31. just like a little kid, squirming , waiting to answer.


  32. Jamie says:

    His record is talking a lot and then doing nothing because of “principles”


  33. what do you all make of the crowd,? more for sanders.?


  34. Jamie says:

    This is what they were talking about on deporting children. According to judge, three year old’s don’t need attorneys


  35. how absurd. i am not current on all of these issues.


  36. Jamie says:

    Now that “I’m not a natural politician” speech was lovely.


  37. i liked that. she can’t repeat it regularly, but it worked well, was sincere “not a politician…..”


  38. how many times is he going to repeat those lines?


  39. Jamie says:

    Here we go with export import bank. All the loans are repaid and the majority goes to small businesses.


  40. good response. sounds like the crowd disapproved of question too.


  41. Jamie says:

    Just a reminder for those who just can’t understand why there is no Benghazi conspiracy.

    1) Secretary of state has ZERO authority to order a “stand down” of military forces.
    2) Department of defense has REPEATEDLY stated that there was NO “stand down” order regarding military assets.
    3) Only ground forces available on the African continent were over FOUR THOUSAND miles away
    4) How long at 575 miles per hour would it take to fly those ground forces to Benghazi?


  42. tonyb39 says:

    Oh Bernie, so over the top.. Bernie is pure, no one ever measures up.. Jorge, please, Fox news, Ok..


  43. lol!
    i honestly can’t imagine how she keeps her cool when bengazi questions come up time and time again, same questions that she answered the day before.


  44. Jamie says:

    Nice move to talk about the paybacks.


  45. Jamie says:

    Bernie is right about education through either junior college or trade school should be free. Unfortunately the GOP took over city councils & school boards over the last 30 years and they have slashed school budgets and substituted loans for grants and scholarships. It used to be considered an investment in the future.


  46. Jamie says:

    I know it has a half hour to run, but I’m checking out. Everyone have a nice evening.


  47. oregondemocrat says:

    Thanks for inviting me to Jamie’s Place…


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