Rain, Rain, Go away


In the east raindrops keep falling on our heads….and  falling… and falling.  Floods are the new news.  Is this the start of something big, the coastal inundation climate changers have been warning about for decades?  And will those in command now heed the warnings?

In the meantime, stock up on life savers, rafts and rain gear.  It may be a good time to head for the hills.

About patd

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people. The Cat: Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad. Alice: How do you know I'm mad? The Cat: You must be. Or you wouldn't have come here.
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81 Responses to Rain, Rain, Go away

    • patd says:

      this was meant to head up the thread, but I forgot the magic words needed to post it properly…
      btw, Jamie is also being inundated (about to drown herself in personal matters) and has asked for us to pitch in with new threads now and then. renee? flatus? any author types or just run-of-the-mill ranters out there who wish to lend a hand?


  1. patd says:

    from http://www.inquisitr.com/2472672/south-carolina-flooding-kills-nine-hurricane-joaquins-weather-forecast-predicts-more-storm-rain/

    The death toll from South Carolina’s flooding has only continued to increase as the weather patterns created by Hurricane Joaquin continue to send rain storms at the southeast United States. Unfortunately, South Carolina’s weather forecast is not improving since even more rain is expected, which could increase the damage caused by the rainfall.
    South Carolina’s flooding has drenched the entire state, with some areas reaching 25 inches of rain. South Carolina governor Nikki Haley is encouraging people to stay home out of danger from the flooding. Around 600 National Guardsmen, 11 aircraft, and eight swift water rescue teams have been working around the clock to help the state’s citizens survive the weather, and so far they have performed more than 200 water rescues.
    Authorities say that residents in areas heavily affected by South Carolina’s flooding should boil their drinking water.
    “Rising water from flooding can carry viruses, bacteria, chemicals and other submerged objects picked up as it moves through storm water systems, across industrial sites, yards, roads and parking lots,” the South Carolina Emergency Response Team said.


  2. Rich Sturgeone (@RichSturgeone) says:
    5 October 2015 at 12:48 pm
    Well, it reminded me of the rains in Paint Your Wagon and McCabe and Mrs Miller but not a big deal right here…….other places got it bad…..

    5 October 2015 at 12:52 pm
    Oh, and there was that epic time we played Ruidoso and it rained for the entire two weeks we were there…….all day, all night, every day……..all was mud.

    Sun just came out wearing a shit-eating grin, like it was never gone at all…….


  3. Flatus says:

    It’s just an annoying wind-blown spittle now. The tentative back porch total for the most recent five days is 18.16-inches. If we add the prior week, from which there was really no respite, takes the total in our very localized spot to about 25 and a half inches. That’s one hell of a lot of rain.

    Once water is stuck in the local environment, it’s difficult to get rid of it. We have evaporation, transpiration and runoff. It’s autumn–so much for the first two. The final way, runoff, has been very effective this time around. Ask the folks in the Forest Acres community where their dam burst.

    Columbia’s infrastructure was woefully unprepared for an event of this magnitude. Truth said, they have flooding in certain areas time-after-time with only a couple of inches of rapid rainfall. The city treats the portion of our water bills earmarked for sewer systems as a slush fund. But, no matter how much they might have spent this time, I don’t believe it would have made a difference.

    That doesn’t mean our citizens should let them off the hook for all the ordinary rainfalls that we can expect for the next 999-years; permanent repairs must meet developing-world standards.


    • patd says:

      “The city treats the portion of our water bills earmarked for sewer systems as a slush fund.”
      flatus, looks like lawyers for the city are creative in their legislative interpretation: sewer shit equals political bullshit and what better use for a “slush” fund.

      surge, thank goodness you’re safe! pictured you floating off the coast hanging onto a bobbing piano. thanks for the no-name-city flood description. couldn’t find a clip of it but here are 2 to get in the mood


  4. tony says:

    On TODAY, Hillary Clinton Slams ‘Partisan’ Benghazi Committee
    Impressive Hillary!


  5. patd says:

    tony, how do you like the new ad?


    • tony says:

      I think it’s very good.. Hillary’s appearance on Today was excellent as well, fighter Hillary has returned.. Wow, she took it to those Republican’s, called them out…


  6. patd says:

    excerpt from wapo’s editorial today https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/texass-war-on-birthright-babies/2015/10/05/1ef02d16-693f-11e5-9ef3-fde182507eac_story.html
    THE 14TH Amendment, ratified in 1868, states plainly that citizenship is automatically conferred on anyone born in the United States. Lately the state of Texas, blinded to the law by its antipathy to illegal immigrants, has determined that it is somehow exempt from that provision of the Constitution.

    In an act of stunning official arrogance, the state has been refusing to issue birth certificates to increasing numbers of Texas-born children whose parents are undocumented immigrants. Without birth certificates, the children face barriers to being enrolled in day care and school, receiving Medicaid benefits — even being baptized.
    Texas’s position subjects children and their parents to a Kafkaesque hall of mirrors. Officially, the state acknowledges that the children are U.S. citizens. It says their birth certificates are in the state’s database. But without issuing those certificates, it leaves certain immigrants unable to prove that they are their children’s parents and children unable to prove that they exist in any official capacity. That’s not governance; it’s harassment and oppression.


  7. patd says:

    not even hat in ring yet and the media begin taking shots
    from http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/joe-biden-beau-2016-214459
    “Exclusive: Biden himself leaked word of his son’s dying wish
    The vice president is mourning. He’s also calculating.”

    won’t be long before they’ll speculate on Obama stepping down to make room for joe to run as an incumbent.


  8. And if it is true that he leaked his son’s final words he is even creepier


  9. patd says:

    this is 1st article i’ve seen for awhile on fearless leader’s fearless leader: http://www.christianpost.com/news/5-interesting-facts-about-the-christian-faith-of-jim-webb-146923/

    they must be busy getting ready for the debate. no time for interviews and photo ops.


  10. tony says:

    Hillary Clinton Sent Her Book To Every GOP Candidate…Except One
    He’s used to being left out.
    Samantha-Jo Roth


  11. patd says:

    flatus, what’s going on with ohioans… they lost their minds?
    from http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/local/2015/10/07/john-kasich-losing-support-in-ohio-latest-poll-shows.html
    Ohio Republicans now favor two GOP presidential candidates over their own governor, according to the latest poll released this morning.
    The Quinnipiac Poll focused on swing states of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania is likely to be a blow to Gov. John Kasich’s presidential campaign considering he was winning his home state two months ago.
    But now 23 percent of Ohio Republicans pick billionaire Donald Trump and 18 percent want retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson. Kasich comes in third with 13 percent. Following not too far behind are U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz with 11 percent and businesswoman Carly Fiorina with 10.


    • Flatus says:

      I think he’s a Republican in title only. He is elected by a coalition of moderates of both parties who are directly, positively affected by his performance. It’s not in their interest that he be replaced by a conservative Republican as governor. So, why give him encouragement to be president?


  12. tony says:

    Democratic senators: Biden bid would be good for Clinton
    The VP’s old Senate colleagues are mostly behind Hillary Clinton but say Biden would make her a better general election candidate.
    By Seung Min Kim and Burgess Everett

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/10/joe-biden-2016-hillary-clinton-214489#ixzz3nsw1GRU7


  13. whskyjack says:

    Bernanke: I’m not really a Republican anymore

    “[T]he increasing hostility of the Republicans to the Fed and to me personally troubled me, particularly since I had been appointed by a Republican president who had supported our actions during the crisis. I tried to listen carefully and accept thoughtful criticisms. But it seemed to me that the crisis had helped to radicalize large parts of the Republican Party,” Bernanke writes on page 432.

    While arguing that Democrats “suffered their own delusions, especially on the far left,” the former Princeton economics professor said he had “lost patience with Republicans’ susceptibility to the know-nothing-ism of the far right. I didn’t leave the Republican Party. I felt that the party left me.”



  14. tony says:

    Exclusive: NBC’s Andy Lack to Meet with Keith Olbermann on Possible MSNBC Return
    by Joe Concha


  15. tony says:

    Clinton seeks to seize edge over Sanders on gun control
    By Kevin Cirilli and Amie Parnes


  16. patd says:

    “uh oh” time
    from http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/08/world/middleeast/russia-syria-conflict.html?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=a-lede-package-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
    BEIRUT, Lebanon — The Russian military, sharply escalating its military intervention in Syria, launched 26 medium-range cruise missiles on Wednesday from four warships in the Caspian Sea, while providing air support for a ground offensive by pro-government forces.
    Russian officials said the missiles — which traveled more than 900 miles, through Iranian and Iraqi airspace — struck 11 targets in Syria, but they did not specify which groups were hit.

    and fromhttp://www.foxnews.com/world/2015/10/07/exclusive-russian-jets-intercept-us-predator-drones-over-syria-officials-say/
    EXCLUSIVE: Russian jets ‘intercept’ US predator drones over Syria, officials say


  17. rebelliousrenee says:

    Howdy everybody!

    Both Rick and I say thanks so much for the happy anniversary wishes. We could see the comments on our mini iPad but it wouldn’t let me post.

    We had a fabulous time! We were in a very nice resort on Ft. Myers beach with a big balcony overlooking the Gulf. Only a few spot showers came our way. We had no problem flying over the eastern seaboard yesterday.

    So glad to see both Flatus and Sturg posting… I thought about you 2 and sent my prayers.

    Now I’ve got a mountain of laundry and an empty refrigerator… and 2 cats that won’t stop meowing and looking for attention. Later…


    • patd says:

      glad you had a good time. now, get to work. 🙂 maybe a thread about the loonies politicking in your neighborhood, the lunacy of florida, rick’s sunburn/hangover/travel travesty or anything else while Jamie’s awol?


  18. patd says:

    a very serious hiaasen brings up a serious prison case in florida at a time imprisonment inequities are being addressed by the feds.

    Carl Hiaasen: ‘Pure lunacy’ to jail this man for 20 years
    …Wollard made a reckless decision trying to scare off a teenager who’d just clawed Wollard’s stitches.
    And for that — shooting a slug into a wall — a man who’s never been convicted of any other crime should rot in a cell for 20 years? It’s pure lunacy, and an abominable perversion of the justice system.
    There are armed robbers, rapists, even killers who will do less prison time than Lee Wollard.


  19. Good Grief what is this world coming too?


  20. blueINdallas says:

    PatD – I saw that article on Webb. I google his name most days, so it’s good to finally get something. It has been a strange, strange campaign season on all fronts.
    Can’t wait for the debate!

    Hillary is certainly changing her tune. Me thinks she’s trying to grab Bernie’s crowd. I’m glad she says she’s against Keystone and TPP, but I feel she isn’t sincere. Yes, it’s good when people can gather information and evolve in their position, but I don’t think that’s what happened. It’s just, ya know, politics.

    I about spit out my tea when I saw the KO/MSNBC story. Taking recycling to a whole, new level. How long before he’d quit or get fired the next time? 🙂


    • tony says:

      I agree, Bernie pushed Hillary left and I’m glad. Yep, its politics.. If this Primary weren’t contested doubt she would have shifted.. In that regard Hillary is just like every politician..


    • Jamie says:

      I think the lady wants the job and if that means dumping everything hubby did or Obama put in place, that will be just fine. She can always tack another way once she is at the helm of the Resolute Desk


  21. Well the SC flood feeds into a narrative. Governor Nikki says we ain’t seen the like in a thousand years. The narrative, of course, would be global warming and rising sea levels. I read the other day a study which claimed that SC is already locked into a 3 foot rise in sea level. The tides have been super-duper high lately……big moons and whatnot………
    Fact is, one of the two roads leading on/off the island is becoming tidally challenged on a regular basis, and a shit-ton of heavy hitters in the money department are clamoring for action. i.e. build the damn super highways across the island to the beaches so people can get to the stupid airport when they have to. That’s also the narrative. Roads across the island to handle the freakin gazillion more cars that have entered the fray since it was a sleepy little island where you could have drunken drag racing down the middle of the road at midnight and could reasonably expect not to meet another vehicle…….
    So it’s been a big weekend for a lot of folks with interests vested or otherwise and for my part, I wound up with a weekend in my bathrobe watching the inclement weather and soaking up the tranquility. First vacation I’ve had since April.
    It’s peaceful after a rain, as Dr. Rhino is fond of saying. Alias Blacknuts. Alias Anwar Sedate.
    My lot is cast with the high rollers in this instance…….build the roads and make my life a tad easier.


  22. blueINdallas says:

    Sturg- Just glad you are OK.


    • patd says:

      and me three.
      sturge, wouldn’t a good-sized ferry or two shuttling back and forth martha’s vineyard style be a temporary solution while they ruin your universe building the super highway? plus it would make a great tourist trap… I mean attraction.
      your description of the island’s halcyon days reminded me of what happened to clearwater beach fl when they turned a sleepy little paradise into a developer’s treasure chest.


  23. patd says:

    blueid, you said above “Hillary is certainly changing her tune. Me thinks she’s trying to grab Bernie’s crowd.”
    re bernie, this was her reply last night on http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/full-interview-hillary-clinton-trade-pact-doubts/ when woodruff tried unsuccessfully to stir up a feud between the two:
    JUDY WOODRUFF: Let me bring you back home to the subject of guns and gun control in the aftermath of this terrible shooting at the community college in Oregon. This week, you came out for tightening controls on guns and you talked about what you would do differently. Is this really laying out the defining difference between you and Senator Sanders when it comes to gun control?

    HILLARY CLINTON: Well, look, I think this is something I care passionately about. I have been — I’ve spoken out and tried to work on this for more than 20 years. I have a record. I’m going to defend my record. I will let others speak to their record.

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Are you saying that’s a contrast with Senator Sanders?
    HILLARY CLINTON: I’m saying this is my position and others will state their positions.

    JUDY WOODRUFF: You’ve said that the super-PAC that’s out there supporting you, at least one of them, that they are there really to criticize Republicans. But one of the PACs that’s supporting you is now attacking Senator Sanders.
    I guess my question is do you approve of this? Going after Senator Sanders by the super-PAC? We know there’s coordination.

    HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I don’t know anything about what you’re saying. I have no knowledge of what they are doing. I’ve said I want anybody supporting me to go after Republicans because whatever differences we might have on the Democratic side, they pale in comparison to the really substantive differences we have with the Republicans.

    JUDY WOODRUFF: Would you call on them to cease and desist and stop criticizing Senator Sanders?

    HILLARY CLINTON: I just said I want them to — I want people who support me to go after Republicans. That’s what I — I’ve said it before, I’m saying it again on this show.

    judy continued in the same vein trying to poke a hornet’s nest re biden to no avail.


  24. Ferry wouldn’t work here….they built two very nice tall bridges to the island so that traffic must need never again stop to let a boat go thru……..the trouble with tidal flooding is on the road once you leave the nice new bridge…….and to do any good the ferry would have to hold so many cars that it would span the river…….like a bridge…….which would hold up the boats.


  25. Jamie says:

    A big thank you to Patd for the assistance. My ex-husband passed away last night and the son is down south attending to the his sister, niece, and the widow while I hold down the fort up here with my grandson. Things will still be in an upheaval for a few more days, but all should be back to normal sometime next week. Thank you again.


    • Flatus says:

      Goodness, that is complicated. I hope all in your side of the family find peace.


      • Jamie says:

        All is well just part of the continuing soap opera. He was a good man who gave me two great kids so just easing everyone through the events.


    • patd says:

      Jamie, never would my paltry posts ever match the quality of your blog efforts, but you’re welcome anyway. wish it could’ve been under better circumstances. condolences to all.


  26. patd says:

    speaking of complications, happy ones tho’, just adopted from a rescue shelter a very feisty flame point siamese kitten whom i’ve named Bodhi — short for bodhisattva. according to wiki: In Mahayana Buddhism, bodhisattva is the Sanskrit term for a being with bodhi (enlightenment). A bodhisattva is anyone who, motivated by great compassion, has generated bodhicitta, which is a spontaneous wish to attain buddhahood for the benefit of all sentient beings— and he’s quite a handful. here’s stock clip to give you an idea of what those kind of kittens look like.

    actually they’re just a mix of everyday orange tabby and a tomcatting siamese, nothing fancy. but he does have beautiful golden points and brilliant blue eyes. he will be a best bud for my remaining elderly cat buddy and a sure nemesis for billie bob, the princess dog (aka the bitch with balls).


  27. whskyjack says:

    The Trumpsters words and voice in the proper setting,

    “If you close your eyes while listening to presidential hopeful Donald Trump, you can see and smell that neighbor you have with too many dogs and a drinking problem.”


  28. patd says:

    sorry for repeating a familiar rant, but mr. and ms. media, please please use the term “gun safety” instead of gun control. that judy woodruff interview reminded me of how inflammatory just that one word can be. here’s an excerpt from an older article the economist about that argument http://www.economist.com/blogs/johnson/2013/01/political-language
    Could changing one word in the debate over guns change American opinions? Jonathon Schuldt of Cornell University has joined James Fallows in urging those who would tighten gun laws to use the metaphorical frame of “gun safety”, not “gun control”. Mr Schuldt writes
    “In a nation where freedom is among the deepest ideals, control is almost a dirty word, and it is much easier to justify why one is against control than it is to justify why one is against safety. And so, as we so often see in other partisan debates, we can expect a systematic bias in word choice by actors on different sides of the debate. Those who are for tougher gun restrictions should favor the ‘gun safety’ frame, which may be especially powerful in the wake of the recent tragedies.”


  29. rebelliousrenee says:

    Jamie… condolences. Just goes to show you that when one marries and has children, the connection will last one of your lifetimes no matter how long one has been divorced.

    patd… congrats on the new kitty. I’ll put up agenda free weekend. As for politicians visiting my state… yup, they’re here… and there… I’m not paying any attention. Except, I did just see a funny headline in one of those gossip rags while waiting to check out at the grocery store… “Hillary has 6 months to live”… who knew… 🙂


    • Jamie says:

      Outside of some melancholy, I’m fine other than feeling a bit of Childhood’s End. Had to call a cousin who is the only connection left to my life before 25 just to hear someone remember and reminisce about the era.


  30. blueINdallas says:

    Well, of course Hillary can’t be as far left as Bernie without needing to backtrack a lot in the general (if she gets the nom). But she is clearly adopting some of Bernie’s positions to lure folks to her.
    She’s playing it smartly, but not honestly.
    I hope she would stick with the anti-Keystone position, should she be elected.


  31. whskyjack says:

    Looks like nobody wants to lead the house Republicans, with the obvious successor McCarthy dropping out of the race. Looks like popcorn time.



    • patd says:

      “While I am grateful for the encouragement I’ve received, I will not be a candidate,” Ryan said. “I continue to believe I can best serve the country and this conference as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.”

      does paul ryan really mean it or is that just another way of saying “please mr fox don’t fling me in that briar patch!”


  32. patd says:

    jack, that trump-in-his-own-words video is hilarious. imagine similar ones done of jeb’s gaffes coming out of a mr. milquetoast character
    or perhaps this scene dubbed with the sayings of fiorina, cruz, huckabee, et al as they descend on iowa


  33. Placeholder says:

    Some good news: there’s a Monarch butterfly on my buddleia. Just one- but that’s more than none.


  34. blueINdallas says:

    Monarch here today, too. Sitting in the remnants of pool water that dropped off of me. There is a canal and a pond a 100 yards away, but the bees live pool water, too.
    Three dragon flies landed on me today. It took all summer for that to happen this year.


  35. tony says:

    Placeholder, nice to read you!


  36. tony says:

    TPP to KXL to WTF! Heads Explode as Hillary Goes Progressive
    By Peter Daou
    “It was no small challenge and one I was honored to undertake: build a bridge between Hillary and the netroots. I had always admired Hillary’s dignity in the face of vicious assaults from the right, her indomitable spirit and her obvious brilliance. Yes, I disagreed, forcefully, with her Iraq vote, but there were so many other things I liked about her that I felt privileged to become part of her team.

    My first meeting with Hillary took place in a small Manhattan office with the Secret Service and several aides waiting outside. The conversation covered a range of topics, but the one that left a lasting impression was her commitment to building a progressive infrastructure to combat the FOX-talk radio-rightwing blog triumvirate. She spoke with authority and knowledge about Media Matters, CAP and the liberal blogosphere, emphasizing their critical role as a counter-balance to what David Brock had dubbed the “Republican Noise Machine.”


  37. blueINdallas says:

    It’s so toxic that nobody wants Boehner’s job???


  38. patd says:

    from http://www.latimes.com/nation/politics/la-na-speaker-race-turmoil-20151008-story.html
    Rep. Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania, who was backing McCarthy, said he warned fellow Republicans that “those who wanted to take down John Boehner will frag the next guy, and that’s what we saw just happened…. I’m not going to support anyone running for speaker who is going to appease the rejectionist wing of this party.”


  39. tony says:

    Authentic Candidates Suck
    What’s really behind this peculiar and counterproductive media obsession with “authenticity”.
    Michael Tomasky
    “Here’s the quick catch-up, if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Back in August Maureen Dowd of the Times wrote this column about how Biden might run for president because it was Beau Biden’s dying wish that his father challenge Hillary Clinton. Dowd, appearing to paraphrase her source, wrote that Beau argued to his father that “the White House should not revert to the Clintons and that the country would be better off with Biden values.” She revealed nothing at the time about her sourcing. Everyone assumed it came from somewhere inside Biden world, but quite possibly without his knowledge, from someone who wanted to see him run.

    But from Biden himself? To America’s most prominent Hillary-hating columnist? It has not seemed, to a number of observers of the situation, like a very “authentic” thing to do, for this man who gets so many points from the media for his authenticity.

    I raise the episode not to assess Biden on the authenticity scale, but to argue that authenticity is overrated in the first place. I hate authenticity. Authenticity sucks. It’s a substitute for critical thought and actual argument, and the political media harp far too much on it.”


  40. rebelliousrenee says:

    oooohhh…. the GOP is coming apart at the seams…
    Jack is right… we’re gonna need some popcorn… a really, really BIG bowlful.

    Placeholder… let me take a guess… CBob…


    • patd says:

      renee, my guess is fearless leader (flying under the radar). not cbob because in texas they more than likely would say butterfly bush, not buddleia.

      but whoever you are, placeholder, welcome to our trail home away from home.


  41. tony says:

    Morning Joe Interview Gets Nasty When Dem Senator Alleges Anti-Clinton Bias
    by Alex Griswold
    This clip is about as much as i can stand of Mika and Joe.. Good on Claire…


  42. patd says:

    speaking of fearless leader, he and our friend mudcat are mentioned in today’s mother jones article http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/10/jim-webb-isnt-actually-running-president-guys that’s entitled
    “Is Jim Webb Really Running for President? An Investigation.
    He’s maintaining a surprisingly low profile.”

    here’s a sample line: “The crickets here in New Hampshire are louder than the Webb campaign,” Buckley told Mother Jones.


  43. tony says:

    Kevin McCarthy Has Single-Handedly Given Democrats the 2016 Election
    by Tommy Christopher
    “Paul Ryan has already said he won’t run for Speaker, so I guess that leaves Louie Gohmert or a sentient AR-15. Whoever ends up with the job will be much worse than McCarthy or Ryan.

    That means that while Hillary Clinton is smashing the Benghazi/Emailgate issues to bits, House Republicans will be busy shutting down the government and/or engineering government defaults in order to defund the still-insanely-popular Planned Parenthood.

    That means that once Hillary Clinton gets through the Democratic primaries, she will face a Republican Party that will be about as popular as Ebola vomit, and whose current frontrunners are a tangerine-hued bigot, a whispering insane person, and an Operation Rescue fanfic writer. The Chicago Cubs couldn’t lose this one. The 2016 map already favored the Democrats, so they’ll almost certainly take back the Senate, and while gerrymandering has made the House a tough nut to crack, they’ll have a better chance than they could have hoped for.”


  44. patd says:

    from http://www.cleveland.com/darcy/index.ssf/2015/10/mccarthys_out_pelosi_could_be.html
    Democrats are expected to nominate Nancy Pelosi. Even though they are the minority party, they could, in theory, form a coalition with enough moderate Republicans and elect Pelosi.


  45. patd says:

    meanwhile, back in the real world where dreams can happen


  46. rebelliousrenee says:



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